Knocking noise

Any issues relating to suspension, steering and brakes.

Knocking noise

by roydavis » Tue Aug 12, 2008 1:36 am

I've been searching through the forums for the answer to my problem, but none I've found fully fits with the problem I'm experiencing.

I have a knocking noise which sounds like it's coming from the passenger side. The knocking only occurrs when slowing down (with either the clutch pedal up or down - so I don't think it's the clutch). There is no knocking when accelerating or cruising. It does sound like the knock happens with each revolution of the wheel.

My garage suggested the clutch but at about £300 it's an expensive job to get done without being sure that's the cause.

So, if anyone has other ideas as to what the cause could be I'd be chuffed to bits (and richer too - hopefully).


by Phil69 » Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:03 am

Could be a cv joint if its speed related. If it was the clutch it would be related to the speed of the engine not the wheels (there's a gearbox inbetween in case the garage forgot!). If your not getting it on full lock then expect it to be an inner cv joint though not an outer.
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by opelturbo » Tue Aug 12, 2008 7:11 pm

Have you checked the anti roll bar links ? Does it happen a lot more when you're going round a corner ?


by roydavis » Tue Aug 12, 2008 11:25 pm

Doesn't seem to matter whether it's in a straight line or going round corners.

I'll check the inner cv later in the week and update the post.


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